Habits of Discipleship Part 2 Resources

Resources From Class 4/16/24
Habits of Discipleship Workshop and Stewarding God's Gifts Part 2

Here's What We Did in Class:
  • We had some quality time in small group to pray ACTS together  and shared about our time assessment exercise if we did it or if not, then just off the cuff where we felt our time was well spent and where the Lord was asking us to make adjustments.

  • We focused in on what the Lord says in His Word about stewarding our minds, hearts and thought life.  Each small group took a couple scriptures and reported back.  The scriptures are in your Discipleship homework for this week for you to continue to pray with them this week (they are very good! Take a look!)

  • Then we watched the first 15 minutes of the video below from Dr. Caroline Leaf, a Christian neuroscientist who talks about God's design for our brain and how it is reformed and affected by our thoughts/mind.  Very empowering as to how we can change (see other resources that were handed out below)
These extra materials are for your exploration, and if you are interested in buying the book, you can find it wherever books are sold: Switch on Your Brain, Dr. Caroline Leaf
Extra Resources for this Week Relevant  & Motivational for Habit Building 
1. 5 Minutes Thoma Aquinas on Habits, Choices and Intentions that create dispositions in us
2. 4 Minutes: How to Stop Bad Habits with Catholic Speaker
3.  24 Minutes Alpha Video: "What do I do with the Rest of My Life"
Song of the Week: "Make Room" by Community Music

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