Prayer ministries

Get prayer. give prayer.

need prayer?

Boy do we have you covered! St. Vincent's is a praying parish. We equip our community to pray with power and purpose—because it's the foundation of discipleship. And they are ready to pray for and with you! Here are three of our most popular ways you can receive the gift of prayer.

Freedom In Christ

Freedom in Christ Ministry is a bible based,  inner-healing ministry. It is designed to move you into a place of freedom where you can see yourself as God sees you—his beloved child. One who has a destiny and a purpose! Through prayer you will be guided to freedom.

Prayer Request Form

We would be honored to pray for you or someone you know. Our intercessory team prays for all the prayer requests we receive on a regular basis. Your request are kept anonymous unless you specify otherwise. Please fill out our prayer request form linked below. 

want to Give prayer?

First of all, then I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people..." 1 Timothy 2:1

As the above exhortation from St. Paul in his letter to Timothy states, prayer is no small role—it is one he urges us to take up. You're gift of prayer for the Body of Christ is so important. And we offer two ministries where you can share your gifts of prayer:


IF I become an intercessor, what am I comiting to?

The mission of The St. Vincent's Intercessors ministry is to intercede for the parish and school community of St. Vincent's and the world at-large. So, what does that entail?

At Home Prayer

You will then receive bi-monthly emails with various prayer and novena campaigns for the parish, school and preschool communities of St. Vincent de Paul, as well as the greater community, and world at large.  You will also be given access to the prayer requests we receive online, and asked to pray for those, as well as a daily prayer for St. Vincent's.  

A Quarterly Gathering

The whole community, whether you are an official "St. Vincent Intercessor" or not, will be invited to a one and a half hour time of prayer about 4 times a year.

The goal of our gathering is simply to intercede and pray for St. Vincent's ministries, parishioners, school, preschool, staff, families, etc., sick people, souls in purgatory, specific requests, and the Church at large and the world.

Become a St. Vincent's Intercessor!

Sign up for the exclusive Intercessors email & mobile alerts and call down heaven with your prayers.

Do you have questions about our prayer ministries?

 We're happy to answer your questions. Fill out the form and submit your questions.